Friday, April 25, 2014

IxLoad XT80 commands

 How to find  the serial number of an appliance
telnet to management IP of the node and run command ipmitool fru print

 How to find the IxOS version running on the appliance
telnet to node management IP  and run command cat /var/ixos_version

 How to configure/ verify  the node IP address configuration
telnet to node management IP  and run command

  How to  list the active IPMI connections 
telnet to node management IP  and run command ipmitool session info all
*** you can check remotely with this command ipmitool -U ADMIN -P 1x1ac0m.c0m -I lanplus -H $IPMI_ADDR session info all

  How to  upgrade the XT80 manually?
1. upload the cpd-install.tgz on the node

2. install using command

3. reboot

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