Wednesday, April 23, 2014

IxLoad mongod.log is very big

   MongoDB is a 3rdParty application we are using for storing Resource Manager content including AppLib flows) 

Sometimes  MongoDB service enters an infinite restarting state and writes output in mongod.log wchich mankes the log incredible big.

To fix this please follow the steps described in the release notes
1.       Stop ResourceManager service
2.       Stop MongoDB service
3.       Delete the mongod.lock file from the Resource Manager Storage location. By default, mongod.lock file is found at C:\ProgramData\Ixia\ResourceManager\Storage\Database\mongod.lock for Win7/WinServer2008 or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Ixia\ResourceManager\Storage for WinXP or WinServer2003
4.       Delete log file %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Ixia\ResourceManager\Logs\mongo.log

5.       Start mongo service and then Resource Manager service.

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