Friday, April 25, 2014

IxLoad How to configure Static ARP

  There are situation on which  the Gateway  IP address  is configured on a DUT which does not reply  to ARP  request. For this particular cases you need to create a static ARP entry for the gateway on IxLoad.

Let's consider the following setup:
Client IP address is
Gateway  IP address is and Gateway MAC address is aa:bb:cc:00:00:00
***GW does not reply to ARP

In order to accomodate this setup, you will need to add a Static ARP plugin which  on which you will define the MAC address associated with the Gateway IP address  as in the  images bellow.

 1. Righ click on the IP plugin and chose Add above Static ARP

2.  Set the proper (MAC, IP ) association on the Static ARP plugin

**If you are not able to  add a plugin,  make sure that the configuration is not applied on the ports . Press the button Release Config in Main ribbon and then try to perform the steps again.

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