The Basic Authentication scheme (RFC2617)
requires that each HTTP client must authenticate itself with a User-ID and
password for each request he does to a HTTP server.
server will service the request only if it can validate the user-ID and
password for the path included in request.
the case it cannot authorize the request is responding with HTTP 401
(Unauthorized) and in the case that is a Proxy server with HTTP 407 (Proxy
authentication required).
Steps to create the
an HTTP Client Activity.
the Commands tab from the HTTP Client
activity add a GET Command.
the Command Profile Window configure
the Profile Name, enable Basic Authentication and configure the user and
password to be used in the test.
On my example I used the following:
Profile Name= BasicAuthentication
name can include only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and @ (no space)
***To edit a profile already created click on Edit Profile button from the right-corner from the screen
***To edit a profile already created click on Edit Profile button from the right-corner from the screen
Verify the results:
Verify results using statistics
HTTP Client
Request Sent/Successful
HTTP Request Failed 401 (authorization denied)
HTTP Request Failed 4xx other (includes HTTP 407 responses if proxy server is used)
Verify results using IxAnalyzer:
HTTP Request Failed 401 (authorization denied)
HTTP Request Failed 4xx other (includes HTTP 407 responses if proxy server is used)
Verify results using IxAnalyzer:
Making a capture of the traffic will reveal that
HTTP client request is including the www-authenticate header which specify the
scheme (basic) but also the user and password in clear text.
The server side must have info about user ID and password . For clients request server will match to check authentication. How do you put this info in the server side configuration?