Friday, June 21, 2013

QoE: How to see statistics per User/ IP address instead of per activity

    By default IxLoad results do not give you the option to see results based on HTTP user or IP addresses of the clients/servers. 
You can see only cumulative values from  all the clients  generated by an activity. 
For displaying per User statistics you need do enable QoE per user on the test.
Similar you can enable QoE per IP address

How to configure QoE :

1.       Go to Test Options:

2.       Enable QoE Detective per User let’s say:

3.       Run a Test, at the end of the test you will see the tree Conditional Statistics in the Statistics View

4.  Select Conditional Statistics then  go to Data tab in the Ribbon and select Filter/Sort


5.  On  the Filter/Sort window you are creating the QoE Profile:
Chose the name of profile and  go to Statistics tab and select  the statistics that you want to see:

Per user statistics  will appear automatically in the Conditional Statistics window:
In my test I used only one IP  address to generate 100 users

AppLib: How to create Facebook users with IxLoad

Open IxLoad GUI and click on the Add AppMix button.
A new AppMix activity is created
AppMix feature is an independent feature which requires his own built-in NetTraffic, we  cannot combine it  with  other activities and we support just  one activity AppMix activity which can contain more  AppFlows of different  types.

A.    Configure the activity

Step 1. Add an AppMix Activity to your  session
Click on Network and Traffic and then on  Add AppMix button:


New AppMix activity should automatically appear and the Add AppMix button should be gray out, sice we are supporting onely one AppMix activity per  session.
The right side automatically the Resource Manager should appear display different flows available

Step 2. Configure Net Addresses
Set the NetTraffic addresses as:
Originate IP=, count 1
Terminate IP= count 1

Step 3. Configure the AppMix activity
On the Originate  AppMix activity add and  App Flow:
Click on the  Add AppFlow button from the ribbon end Add AppFlows window pops up:

Choose a type of application from the option and click on Add button:

 Facebook AppFlow should be displayed in the AppMix  general  tab as bellow :

For an easier troubleshooting make sure SU objective is the same as the number of IP addresses

Options Available in AppMix general tab:
a.       Change percentage of objective if more AppFlows configured

b.      Switch between objectives types:

Step 3. Configure AppFlow:
To verify which version of flow you are using right-click on the AppFlow:
If more version installed you can switch between versions  by right-click the AppFlow and chose other version:

To configure particular setting of different AppFlow  switch to the Settings tab:
*** a setting that you might need from here is server port.
currently if you want to use more AppFlows  ( even if they are the same type) each of them   should use a different server port

B. Verify results:

Client Restrictions and Limitations
The IxLoad AppMix client has the following restrictions and limitations:
1.      You can have just one AppMix in a test
2.      AppLibrary can contain up to 60 flows, and one mix can run a maximum of 30 flows simultaneously.
3.      An IxLoad test can include only 1 AppMix origin-destination activity pair.
4.      AppMix traffic cannot flow to an external device as the final endpoint; it must flow from an origin
5.      AppMix activity to a destination AppMix activity (with a DUT in between), so testing scenarios must use this topology.
6.      An AppMix activity must run in its own NetTraffic with no other activities.
7.      An AppMix activity runs over the following network stacks only: IPv4, IPv6, VLAN, and DHCP.
8.      Advanced Timeline is not supported.
9.      Statistics limitations:
                 Custom Views are not supported.
                 The (number of flows) * (number of statistics) * (ports) must be less than 80,000.

HTTP: How to configure an HTTP Client with Basic Authentication

    HTTP Client: How to create an HTTP Client with Basic Authentication

    The Basic Authentication scheme (RFC2617) requires that each HTTP client must authenticate itself with a User-ID and password for each request he does to a HTTP server.
HTTP server will service the request only if it can validate the user-ID and password for the path included in request.
In the case it cannot authorize the request is responding with HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) and in the case that is a Proxy server with HTTP 407 (Proxy authentication required).

Steps to create the configuration:
Create an HTTP Client Activity.
On the Commands tab   from the HTTP Client activity add a GET Command.
On the Profile option from the GET command select New Profile option.
On the Command Profile Window configure the Profile Name, enable Basic Authentication and configure the user and password to be used in the test.

On my example I used the following:
  Profile Name= BasicAuthentication

***Profile name can include only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and @ (no space)
***To edit a profile already created click on Edit Profile button from the right-corner from the screen

Verify the results:
Verify results using statistics
The most important statistics per our test are included in the HTTP Client -Per URL view
HTTP Client Request Sent/Successful 
HTTP Request Failed 401 (authorization denied)
HTTP Request Failed 4xx other (includes HTTP 407 responses  if proxy server is used)

  Verify results using IxAnalyzer:
   Making a capture of the traffic will reveal that HTTP client request is including the www-authenticate header which specify the scheme (basic) but also the user and password in clear text.