Thursday, July 18, 2013

IxLOAD POP3 IMAP : How to configure Data Integrity Check

        IxLoad offer some specific option to test that data transmission on your network is not affected unauthorized changes to the content or errors through the Data Integrity checks.
We can perform data integrity checks on HTTP traffic, mail traffic ( POP3, IMAP, data center traffic ( CIFS, SMB, iSCSI).
       When Data Integrity Check is enabled IxLoad compare the data receive from the server with the actual expected data. In case that the received data does not match with the one sent it displays an error message in the EventViewer pane from the main window. Nothing is displayed in the EventViewer windows if everything works fine. 

        The method used by IxLoad to perform data integrity checks is by using Byte by Byte matching of the synthetic generated data. Unfortunately we cannot perform data integrity checks on custom real-life files or mails. The data   transmitted has to be generated by IxLoad   using the Synthetic Patter Generator.

        The procedure used to enable Data integrity checks on the mail protocols is the following
1.  On client side enable Data integrity  check
          The option is available only for   a limited number of commands
        2. On server side you need to make sure that the mails  used by your test  have the option  Enable Synthetic Pattern Generation checked: 

     Please   take in consideration that when using Data Integrity check the performance of the protocols drops significantly. From experience I can tell you that usually performance drops with 50% when this feature is enabled only on one activity. If you have  more activities then it may be even less.

      Currently we are supporting Data Integrity check on the following mail protocols: POP3 and IMAP. I will present bellow teho examples  on how to configure it on each one of them
Example1: How to enable Data Integrity  check on POP3 traffic
On POP3  we can perform integrity checks only on Get command

***** On POP3 Client activity add a Get command.
Enable Integrity Check from the command settings 

***** On POP3 Server side create a new mail message by using synthetic pattern
Go to  Server activity main page, add a New Mail message 
Set the new mail name as test.
Check the box next to Enable Synthetic Pattern Generation. 

In case you get errors they will have the following format:

Example2: How to enable Data Integrity  Check on IMAP traffic
On IMAP activity we can perform Integrity checks only on Get mail command.
***** On the Client side add a Get mail command and check the box next to Enable Data Integrity 

***** On the Server side add a new message test , size 1024B and enable Synthetic pattern generator as in the following screen:

In case that DI errors appears they will have the following format: